Monday, January 24, 2011

a quickie

Tonight I jogged for 20 out of my 30 minutes on the treadmill.

I didn't do any intervals under 3 minutes (which are starting to feel "easy-ish") and none over 5 minutes (still a challenge, but I think I can go 6 next time).

Next scheduled cardio is Wednesday.  But if I want to walk tomorrow, I will not deny myself.  :)

What got me through today's workout?  Thinking about my trip to New Orleans in June and how awesome I want to look!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

back in the game!

After a week of no exercise and only some food tracking, I am BACK!  I totally blame last week on post-holidays January slump.  That plus all the snow made it hard to get out of bed, much less do anything else.

Anyhoo, today I had to work for 3 hours, and then went straight to the gym.  I did a total of 45 minutes on the treadmill, 2.56 miles.  My average pace was 3.4 mph.  Please don't laugh.  With my short legs, I'm happy to walk 3.0 mph!  :)  Plus I burned nearly 400 calories, and jogged a total of 12 minutes in 2 and 3 minute intervals.

Did I mention Weight Watchers here?  I can't remember.  Sadly, due to a nasty electric bill, I can't go anymore this month.  I'm going to attempt to get back into it next month (depending on bills, sigh).  However, I know how to do the tracking, and I've been doing it anyway.  I weighed myself this morning, and will record my weight every Monday morning.  My short-term in-sight goal is to get to 250 (13.6 pounds away).  To reward myself I'm going to buy a Nike+ gadget to make my walks/jogs outside much easier to track.

After all, I'm going to have to get used to exercising outside to do that half-marathon in November!

Monday, January 10, 2011

snow day!

Today I had a snow day.  It's the first official one I've had in many years (I took an "ice day"...only 4 hours annual leave...last month). 

My first thought?  Well, after being tickled about not going to work?  Damn, I'm going to miss my workout at the gym.  Now that is a different mindset, let me tell you. 

But then the day went on.  I knitted.  I napped with the kitties.  I could have done all sorts of working out with the Biggest Loser Challenge on the Wii (and it *is* a challenge!).  So why didn't I?  I guess old habits are hard to break. 

If I'm going to be ready to meet the challenge of that half marathon, I have to get more active.

If I want to meet my goal of getting under 200, I have to get more active.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a new adventure

Hi!  Remember me?  The girl who forgets to blog??

I put a bookmark to my blogger dashboard where I will see it on a regular basis, and I hope that helps with my consistency problem here.

(And thank you, Beth, for the gentle nudge today!)

My new adventure??  I'm going to do a half-marathon this year.  For reals.

I keep telling myself that as my weight goes down, running (and fast walking!) will get easier.  That just makes sense.  So far I've worked out 3 days this week, a personal best in a long long time.  And I plan to work out at least two more times this week.  :)

It's just about bedtime now, so I will have to do more writing with actual specific things soon.  Perhaps tomorrow night.