Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wow, I managed to go over a month without a blog post.  If I'm going to keep this up, I really need to keep writing!

I've been thinking a lot about consistency lately and how I don't practice it on a regular basis.  Put simply, I suck at it, and I need to work on that.  

I'm doing a little experiment with myself this week: I'm taking care of my nails.  As in, they are polished with a clear coat, all the same length, and are filed daily.  I'm using lotion and cuticle oil.  I started this on Sunday night, and now (Tuesday morning), they still look awesome.  I'm proving to myself that it takes just a few minutes and tiny bit of effort to see results.

So...next I need to get consistent with working out and eating well.  Doing these things just part of the time when I feel like it is not getting me the results I want...the results I need to be healthy.
(Side note: I did lose a pound over Thanksgiving weekend, so that is something good!!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

back to the blog

Amazing how I can forget to blog.  It's just not a habit yet.  Perhaps one day it will be a habit, like picking water over soda.

This month in summary:

1) I've pretty much given up soda.  In that I've had one 8-ounce glass bottle of Coke since October 9.  I had it yesterday and it tasted fantastic.  My rule is that I can have no more than one soda per week.  For me, it's pretty huge that I'm able to stick with this so far.

2) I've gotten to the point where I can jog for six minutes straight.  :)  Tomorrow I might just go for 7-8 minutes.
3) I put away my scale because I've decided that I know how I need to eat (and how much) and know I need to exercise.  I want to weigh in no more than twice a month.  I really need to focus on health and not on a number.  I need to trust the process.

Next month?  I want to be able to jog 12+ minutes.  Ultimately, I want to be able to go 30 minutes straight by Christmas.  Then I can work on my speed.

Also, I am a big believer in enjoying the holiDAYs.  As in, for Thanksgiving, I'll eat my mashed potatoes and gooey pumpkin dessert* without guilt.  Because I know it's just one meal on one day, not the start of a free-for-all until January 1.

*My stepmom makes this instead of pumpkin pie.  I can't tell you what's in it, as I opted to not get the recipe from her.  I knew I would eat it constantly if I did!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

So far, so good

For once, the weekend wasn't a total wash.  Besides getting some much needed rest, I managed to get my apartment clean & mostly in order, ate reasonably well, and even got in a couple of workouts.

On Friday after work I did go to the gym like I said I would.  I did intervals on the treadmill for 30 minutes, followed by stretching.  Five minutes walking for a warm up, then 2 minutes jogging, 3 minutes walking for the rest of the time.  When I say "jogging" I mean sloooooow jogging.  On Friday I walked at 3.1 mph and jogged at 3.7 mph.  I feel there is no shame in slow jogging.  It gives me that wonderful dose of endorphins, and I want to keep on jogging!

Today (Sunday) I did my yoga DVD for the first time in ages.  It's a relaxing, stretchy yoga that I adore.  Really, I love it, I just haven't felt motivated to do it in a long time.  

It's good to be active again.  I've already made a plan for my week ahead in terms of food & exercise, so I'm ready to go! 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi! And...the rules.

I've had it in my head for awhile to start a weight loss/exercise/healthy living blog.  As in, all about me, not these topics in general.  So, here we go.

The primary objective is accountability.  By putting things out there for people to see, I have to do what I say I'm going to do.  The other objective is documentation.  I hope in time to go back to earlier entries and marvel at how far I've come!

The rules...

1. I'm keeping this blog anonymous.  Yes, I'm sharing the link with a few people that I know that might be interested in following along.  But I would rather not post my real identity, at least for now.

2. When I say here that I'm going to do something, I have to follow through.  No more excuses!  I'm tired of hearing my own excuses.

3. No spam in the comments please.  Any spam, or anything that looks like spam, will be deleted.  

I think that's all for now.  I'm planning to get to the gym tomorrow after work (see, I'm putting it out there for everyone to know!  gotta do it!), and spend the weekend doing some exercising and eating very well.  

More to come!!

~Library Belle