Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi! And...the rules.

I've had it in my head for awhile to start a weight loss/exercise/healthy living blog.  As in, all about me, not these topics in general.  So, here we go.

The primary objective is accountability.  By putting things out there for people to see, I have to do what I say I'm going to do.  The other objective is documentation.  I hope in time to go back to earlier entries and marvel at how far I've come!

The rules...

1. I'm keeping this blog anonymous.  Yes, I'm sharing the link with a few people that I know that might be interested in following along.  But I would rather not post my real identity, at least for now.

2. When I say here that I'm going to do something, I have to follow through.  No more excuses!  I'm tired of hearing my own excuses.

3. No spam in the comments please.  Any spam, or anything that looks like spam, will be deleted.  

I think that's all for now.  I'm planning to get to the gym tomorrow after work (see, I'm putting it out there for everyone to know!  gotta do it!), and spend the weekend doing some exercising and eating very well.  

More to come!!

~Library Belle