Monday, September 5, 2011

Why, hello blog!

It's been so long that even my one faithful reader quit nagging at me to post!  So...what's up with me?

During the first half of this year I was still interviewing for jobs, and was 99.9% sure that I had one.  Then the position froze.  So I decided that I need to simply make the most of my time in Knoxville, and maybe I'll get a new job and maybe I won't.

I told a colleague that if I didn't get the Atlanta job, I would try out for the Sizemology Muses dance troupe.  I didn't get it, so I auditioned, and I got in!  This past summer I have been dancing and dancing and dancing some more!  I'm still working on learning older pieces as well as finding my dancing style (and therefore myself, I think).  It's getting better & easier.  I *love* the ballesque stuff, and that might just be my niche.  Maybe.

For awhile this winter/spring I did personal training with a friend.  Now I go to boot camp classes instead.  My goal is 3 times a week, but my average is more like 1 or 2.

And at the request of a friend, I've rejoined the gym at work and am using that to work out on the treadmill.  Yes, there is cardio in dancing and boot camp, but it's simply not the same.

Over the weekend I bought myself a dry-erase calendar for my wall.  I wrote in dance classes, boot camps, and gym dates for the next couple of weeks, just so I can keep it all straight!!  I'm trying for 3 boot camps and 3 gym dates (treadmill) per week.  Tuesday nights are devoted to dance class and Muse practice, plus I'm trying to get in at least 1 day of cardio dance per week (also at the dance studio).

As far as eating...that has its ups and downs.  I've been trying low-carb again, but it is just too restrictive. I like my apples, darn it!  I'm working my way through a book called "Intuitive Eating," as that sounds like a way that I want to live.  The idea is that when you let go of food as a crutch, enjoy eating, and banish the "food police," you will get to your natural healthy weight.  I like that.  :)

This was crazy long rambles.  I'm going to start updating once a week or so (really!!) so it won't be as long next time.  Unless I need to ramble.

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